Saturday, September 12, 2009

Well,im a newbie in blogging..i actually got this absurd idea of blogging because of one of my best friends..when I saw his blog i thought to myself..why not give it a shot? : )..but I`ll try my best not to screw it up..hehe.. my name is Avihshaa....basically I`ve always been sort of an outsider...the different one..i never really fit in until now...not that i now fit in into society or am i the most popular girl in school...i meant,that i found a number of great friendz along my way...and I feel perfect just the way I am right the middle of my own circle of friendz...i finally feel like I belong...: )...First off,this year was a whole new environment for me..i started my form 4 after a horrible,disastrous year in form 3...I hated it in my new school...all those snobby smarty pants with their nose high in the could u get any worse?..i was sooooo scared because this year was gonna be different,I hoped and prayed that this year was going to change for the better...I prayed for better friends,frienlier classmates,nicer teachers...i was shaking in my shoes(substitute for boots coz they dont actually let us wear them anyway) on the 1st day of school...I hoped the deepest that I could...and i got more than i wanted...hehehe..u might ask how..well for starters,i got to be in the greatest class of all time! class monitor was the shortest,cutest most naughtiest boy in the whole form..but suprisingly the most mature of them all..some of my classmates were transffered in from other schools..and a girl i thought was sooo in to herself turned out to be one of my close friends after all...things really changed this year..some for the better,and some for the worse..i guess its all balanced as Para said to me not just minutes ago..: )..speaking of Para..well his full name is Paraveen Raj Chandran..and he`s a year elder to me..he`s not even the same school as me..but yet he understands me like not many people can...he reads me like he reads a book as u can say..haha..I actually knew him through my first sight,he looked like this brooding bad boy..and i kinda had i never approached him..but then,as I said things changed this year..i went to this new tuition centre in BM...I met loads of new kids my age,younger and elder to me...and I noticed the there were so different from the kids in Kulim and sometimes i wonder...why??...i mean its not that Kulim is a kampung or whatever...its almost as civilized as BM,but yet...the difference is there..after a few months studying there i met him then it started,the hi`s and bye`s and how r u`s...that was basically it for a month...not much to talk about really..but then came my sixteenth birthday party...i had been waiting for this day for so many years and i could hardly wait for it to began in a was the best night of the year..i wore this adorable purple dress and for the 1st time in history i actually tamed my best friends Cynthia wore this black sleek dress which was very nice on her..Elsa wore this short skirt that made her look taller..hahaha..and Rena finally came out of her shell by wearing this mini skirt with a yellow was safe to say that we looked hot to trot..hahaha..then the guests started arriving..

So...after one by one the guests trickled in...i was surrounded by around 40+ friends all around first I was abit blur because as my mum said,to be a good host I had to welcome the guests in and bla bla that`s exactly what I did..i think i made a pretty good host if u might say...: )..after mingling and talking to everyone that came i noticed that some of the guys who came were uninvited,but the more merrier! At least I knew them...well Para was one of these party crashers...hahaha...all the guys looked really friends were going nuts and checking out their attire and how they styled their hair,the normal stuff dat girls tick of their checklist..i got loads of presents! tiny,small,big,normal and HUGE!..i was pretty hyped up after all that...the BBQ started and everybody was eating and talking to pretty much everyone there...but seriously they were such lazy bums to BBQ their own food..and scaredy cats too...haha...after around 10pm,thats when the real party started..the so called party poopers( friends church members...yikez!)...went back home and me and my friends were soooo glad that we could finally let ourselves have some i know who to invite and who not bad! : )..then came the games..damn it was fun! too bad the girls couldnt play this egg was soooo disgusting if it would have been girls to do it!...i mean...come u really think we wont touch anyting that we arent suppose to touch?...i dont think after the games,the music and dancing started and at 1st nobody wanted to come forward and just let loose but then slowly everybody started dancing and it was really fun...btw,i actually drank alcohol that night..hehehe..shhhh! : ) cousin Paulsen mixed it for us..and i drank 3 gulps in one go!...damn i must`ve been soo nutz to try that...honestly i didnt think it would be too strong..but i was wrong...haiz...but anyway after that i was giggling and to tell u the truth,abit dizzy..and when i nearly tripped,look who came to the rescue..The Warrior Prince himself..: )..he asked me to wash my face as it would make me feel better...i did that..and i did feel much much least my vision was..hehe..after the dancing the buzz wore off and i was having the time off my life..that was the time my brother switched this fast,upbeat song to a slow,romantic one.........

to be continued.....XD

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